Le Samourai e Orson Wells, tra libri e film

Faccio una ricerca nella mia collezione di ebook per vedere chi cita “Le Samourai”, prossimo film in coda di visione, nel progetto di visione condivisa con M. Trovo che ne parla John Woo, citandolo come suo film preferito dentro il libro The Best Film You’ve Never Seen:

How would you describe Le samouraï to someone who has never seen it?

WOO: It’s about a killer who has great honor. The Chinese translation for the movie was The Lonely Killer, and Alain Delon is so cool. He doesn’t even say anything, he just watches. There’s a lot of language on his face.

How did you see the film?

WOO: It was in a pretty commercial theater in Hong Kong. At that time, Alain Delon was extremely popular. People were crazy about him—he was number one.

When I watched the film, I just kept my mouth open. From that movie, I found out about director Jean-Pierre Melville. It was very unusual to make a movie like that. Not much dialogue, very quiet, and very stylish. It’s the coolest movie [laughs].

The Best Film You’ve Never Seen

Vado sul sito del libro e trovo un riferimento a un altro libro: Orson Welles’s last movie: the making of The other side of the wind. Il libro parla di un film che ho visto (provato a vedere e abbandonato, a dire la verità) e quindi sono curioso di come sia stato realizzato (film incompiuto di Orson Wells, terminato molti anni dopo da un altro regista per Netflix). Lo sfoglio e trovo un aneddoto curioso su Orson Wells:

It was a juncture in his life when Welles was so busy that he allegedly hired an ambulance (sirens blaring to avoid traffic) to get him from radio gigs to the theater on time. It wasn’t illegal and he was Orson Welles, so why not?

Orson Welles’s last movie: the making of The other side of the wind.

Continuo a leggere e trovo un riferimento a un corto dove Orson Wells parla del film. Il passaggio sotto è nel video, che ho trovato in un attimo:

Then he drops the bomb.

“We’re going to shoot it without a script,” Welles says, excitement lighting up his face. “I’ve written the script, I know the whole story. I know everything that happens.… [But] what I’m going to do is get the actors in every situation, tell them what has happened up to this moment, who they are, and I believe they will find what is true and inevitable from what I’ve said.…”

Then a man in horn-rimmed glasses asks a question worthy of any producer:

“Have you ever done that with other films?”

“Nobody’s ever done it,” Welles responds proudly.

Orson Welles’s last movie: the making of The other side of the wind

Sono curioso di Orson Wells anche perché reduce dalla recente visione di F for Fake, anch’esso citato nel primo libro di cui sopra e il cerchio si chiude.

La cultura cinematografica, come qualsiasi altra cultura, è qualcosa che si costruisce giorno per giorno, con passione, dedizione, curiosità, tempo. Più film vedi, più comprendi i riferimenti e la tecnica, più sei capace di apprezzare i buoni film.

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