Ho un po’ di link da parte da gestire, leggere, archiviare, taggare. Alcuni dei contenuti più interessanti li riporto a seguire.
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Il canva per l’esperienza di apprendimento
he Learning Experience Canvas (LX Canvas) is a powerful tool for designing the best learning experiences you can imagine. It’s great for teachers, trainers, publishers or anybody interested in creating better ways of learning.
Veg* e apprendimento
Vegetarians/vegans and omnivores only differed in the character strengths of love of learning and forgiveness
Are Character Strengths and Attitudes towards Vegetarian Food Related?
AI, giornalismo e media
Se mi interessasse ancora il giornalismo, in 8 mesi avrei trovato il tempo per vedere le presentazioni di questo evento.
La playlist con tutte le presentazioni online. L’evento ritorna il 9-10 Aprile.
Liquidità mentale
Mental liquidity. It’s the ability to quickly abandon previous beliefs when the world changes or when you come across new information.
It shouldn’t be controversial. But mental liquidity is so rare. Changing your mind is hard because it’s easier to fool yourself into believing a falsehood than admit a mistake.
Morgan Housel
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