Carpe diem

M mi segnala un articolo del Guardian che ospita le opinioni di 30 inglesi diagnosticati con una malattia terminale. Qualcuno, nel frattempo, è morto. Come puoi immaginare, quando hai i giorni contati è più facile renderti conto di cosa conta davvero nella vita e cosa forse non merita né la tua attenzione, né la tua rabbia, né la tua indignazione.

Estraggo qualche considerazione tra quelle che mi hanno colpito di più, a seguire.

My life is most likely going to be short, so on my good days, when I’m well enough, I really live. I go out and do anything I want: for a nice meal, to the theatre, cinema or an escape room.

Don’t waste energy fighting. The most important things in life are other people. Pay attention to your needs and do what makes you happy. Do something creative, learn something new, get involved in something that matters to you. Enjoy your life to the last breath.

Prior to getting cancer, I had ambitions of becoming a managing director or CEO; I wanted to achieve something in my career. Within hours of the diagnosis, that disappeared. I don’t care for work anymore, but I believe strongly in having a sense of purpose, something to motivate and distract you, and bring joy and satisfaction.

People talk about beating cancer or winning. I’m never going to beat cancer, it’s not an option. At some point it will kill me. But until then, how I live my life is my version of winning

I was always a very busy person, and if I was meeting someone for lunch at 1pm and they strolled in at 1.20, I might have been irritated. Now I’ve realized none of that matters. I would love to have had this insight and these connections without having to go through this cancer bullshit.

I’m dying, so what is there to fear?

Life is short and you should live it how you want, regardless of what people think. Don’t hold back. Say what you want to say and do what you want to do.

I have learned not to compare myself with others. Find what makes you feel meaningful.

I’ve stopped caring what other people think of me.

My mantra is to leave the damn house, because you never know what’s going to happen if you do. No interesting story ever started with, “I went to bed at 9pm on a Tuesday.”

It’s horrible to say it takes a terminal illness to actually live life, but when I hear people going, “I’d love to do that”, I realize getting diagnosed has put a different perspective on life. I used to think, “I won’t buy that because I don’t know what’s around the corner.” Now it’s just buy it, just do it. If you want something and can afford it, go and get it. If you want to do something and you’ve got the means, go and do it.

What’s the point of earning, earning, earning if there’s no joy in your life?

Ho terminato la lettura delle testimonianze con un po’ di commozione.

Ora vado a prendere un paio di pezzi di pizza e torno a vedere un film o due.

Carpe diem!

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